ABout me
I am an avid nature lover and passionate about spiritual and personal development topics. I have undertaken many workshops and retreats in these fields, and I believe human and environmental wellness should be our key priorities, which is why I have decided to devote my time to these efforts.
I am a certified Shinrin Yoku / Forest Bathing guide and an Erickson International Coach (ICF certification 2021 - Erickson Coaching International). I am also a proud member of En Chemin Vers, the Forest Bathing and Shinrin- Yoku Francophone Federation, that strives to help re-establish a deep connection with forests.
In 2019, I participated in Shinrin-Yoku outings with certified guides in Okutama Forest and Yoshino-Kumano National Park, both certified Forest Therapy bases in Japan. I also had the opportunity to meet leading Shinrin-Yoku specialists during my stay, including Dr. Qing Li.
Originally from Chicago, I am French-American and have been living in Europe for several years. With a bachelor’s and master’s degree in political science, I have worked in many fields, including journalism, communications, marketing and translation. I have lived and worked in six countries as well as speak three languages.
Finally, I love animals, especially Breizh (below).
We are Nature. One simply needs to listen and observe her to understand and see the way.
My forest bathing journey began spontaneously in 2018 upon returning to Paris after an 8-month break abroad. Once back in the grind the need to connect deeply with nature and maintain my mental and physical well-being was of paramount importance. Living in Paris is mentally tough and for those who love nature, our hearts ache.
Within a few weeks, I launched the Forest bathing / Shinrin-Yoku: Nature is medicine outings because I wanted to share a common experience and set of beliefs and values: Spending time with like-minded people concerned about the environment and humanity, as well as those who seek to connect with nature to feel better physically and to fulfill an even deeper need.
The group’s success was far beyond what I expected. It clearly struck a chord. In the end we all share the need to feel happier, healthier and to feel connected to the source of all existence.
I am profoundly happy and proud to share Shinrin-Yoku with you. I hope our outings together in the beautiful forests of France and elsewhere will bring you peace and happiness - and of course better health.
- Christopher Le Coq
With Dr. Qing Li - Nippon Medical School Hospital, Tokyo, Japan
« All nature is doing her best each moment to make us well—she exists for no other end. Do not resist her. With the least inclination to be well we should not be sick. »