weekly Outings & retreats
Weekly outings near paris
These Shinrin-Yoku outings are for those seeking to take a break from stressful city living, regenerate their physical and mental health and be completely present with nature and everything it is connected to. It is a unique opportunity to create an genuine connection with others as well.
Together we will create a little magic and have fun too.
During the outing in the forest different approaches to connecting with nature are proposed. Many are conducted in silence, which enable a true immersive experience, via our nine senses, in nature’s serene soundscapes and beautiful landscapes. Each activity seeks to invite participants to connect with nature in various ways so as to create a deeper bond between both. Invitations include moments of contemplation, physical and emotional connection to different elements of nature, as well as visualization exercises.
Invitations, all grounded in sensory experiences, additionally provide a unique context to foster genuine social interactions amongst group members. Group interaction not only builds connections, but enhances our understanding of each experience and nature’s gifts to us.
Each outing concludes with an intimate tea ceremony to celebrate the events of the day and nature itself.
Please note we will walk around 10 kilometers for the outings in Fontainebleau, so please ensure that you are in the minimum physical shape required.
Calendar of events
« The tree that moves some to tears of joy is in the eyes of others only a green thing that stands in the way. Some see Nature all ridicule and deformity, and some scarce see Nature at all. But to the eyes of the man of imagination, Nature is imagination itself. »
Weekend Retreats & deep forest bathing
Forest bathing retreats will be held over a period of a weekend for those seeking to escape Paris and enjoy a connection with Nature in a even more relaxing and new setting. Deep forest bathing experiences, often held outside of France, are over three or more days, enable a truly powerful, and perhaps, transformative experience. Both experiences offer the opportunity to more deeply connect with Nature and thereby better protect and heal one’s physical and emotional health.
Extended forest bathing weekendS
Ardèche, France - june 3-5th 2022
During a weekend long trip in Ardèche at the beautiful Domaine du Taillé you will experience a deep connection with Nature. During these two days you will take part in approaches that will enable you to experience Nature both intensely and also with the eyes of a young child, that is to say, to experience awe from moment to moment...
Through interacting with both plant life and the earth through your 5 senses, mindful walking, visualizing one's connection with the earth, or coming into contact with a notable tree thanks to your intuition or being carried away by a soundscape meditative experience, you will take a journey not only to the Ardèche region, but it will be an inner journey as well.
Reservations must be made with our partner Vawanda.