Forest Bathing: Nature is medicine

Coaching with Nature in mind


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Coaching with me and Nature

I love change, whether it be professional or personal, and I am passionate about helping others. Playing a role in creating success and happiness for clients is deeply motivating. What better reason to become a professional coach?

Having lived and worked in six countries, I have become an expert in terms of changing professional fields and expatriation. That is why I am specialized in career change, as well as preparing to transition abroad and adjusting to a new country.

I am also an avid nature lover. Nature has been a huge source of inspiration, motivation and well-being to me. I seek to harness its extraordinary power in all of my coaching sessions, either through an immersive experience or as a support tool.

In a similar vein, I also specialize in stress management and work-life balance. As a trained forest guide, I offer forest bathing outings and retreats to help those who need to disconnect with external sources of stress, as well as restore and rebalance themselves internally.

Originally from Chicago, I am French-American and have been living in Europe since 2006. With a bachelor’s and master’s degree in political science, I have worked in many fields, including journalism, communications, marketing and translation.



Contact me for a free discovery session to see how we can work together.


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 Coaching with Nature in mind

Nature is our closest friend and its sole purpose is to support us as humans. Using Nature as a tool either in the office, at home or through an immersive experience is extraordinarily powerful in coaching.

Research shows that being exposed to Nature directly or virtually provides a physical and mental boost.

Being in Nature is associated with an increase in the production of serotonin, oxytocin and dopamine, all of which boosts our positive affect, motivation and optimism. We are able to more easily tap our creativity, states of flow, as well as generate more insight.

Whereas our stressful urban environments trigger fear, anxiety, anger and impulsiveness, leading to short-term thinking and decision-making. Optimal outcomes are unlikely in such contexts.

Nature enables us to enter a state of calm and reflection, thereby freeing our mind and spirit to see the bigger picture and clearly grasp our long-term goals.

This is why I place Nature at the center of our coaching sessions. You will achieve more than what is possible than through a traditional coaching session.

I call it coaching².

« It is the marriage of the soul with Nature that makes the intellect fruitful, and gives birth to imagination. »
— Henry David Thoreau


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Together we will co-create your professional objective and future, which you have consciously or unconsciously dreamed of. It can be a small change or a total transformation. We will ensure that your project is aligned with your core values and what motivates you most.

Together with nature, we will work by your side during every step in this process of change. As a tripartite team we will clearly define your project’s vision and create coherent and concise action plans to guarantee that your project or vision becomes a reality.

My coaching approach is systemic, solution focused and action oriented. NLP and visualization are my main tools. Nature as a supportive tool is used as often as possible.


« Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished »
— Lao Tzu


Professional transitions, career changes, expatriation/adapting to a new country, work/life balance, stress management, and self-confidence building.


* Erickson International Coach (ICF certification 2020)

* 10 years of experience in communications, journalism, marketing and translation spanning both Europe and the Middle East

* Bachelor’s & master’s degrees (USA & Belgium) in Political Science

* Bilingual English-French (US born and native English speaker)




Before officially working together, we will conduct a brief intake session. This exchange will enable me to fully grasp your objectives, the timing required together and whether we are a right match.

Once the number of sessions established you will:

  • Create your project’s overall vision

  • Immediately implement concrete actions to create momentum

  • Identify what values drive you

The following sessions will center on establishing the key actions needed in order to create viable action plans to reach your final destination.

During the coaching cycle some sessions may focus on bolstering motivation so as to give your project an extra boost. Motivational dips happen, thus the right approach and tools are required to move forward with total confidence and grit.

We will conclude our coaching cycle with an overall assessment of the work accomplished and one last celebration!

« Look deep into Nature, and you will understand everything better. »
— Albert Einstein



Workshops in Nature

Just as a sapling grows from the forest floor, fights upwards toward the sunlight to become a majestic, dominant force in its environment, join a future workshop to nurture your hopes and dreams so that they too can see the light and develop into a concrete reality.

Each workshop, which takes place in Nature to achieve an optimal result, will focus on one of the following three themes:

  • Strengthening one’s self-esteem

  • Clarifying one’s professional and personal goals

  • Building a less stressful and more balanced life in general

Before we start, we will take a 15-minute mindful walk in Nature to enter a state of "flow" and calm to prepare one’s mental landscape, thereby generating increased insight.

The experience will last approximately 3 hours, including the mindful walk as well as reaching and leaving the destination.

« If we surrendered to earth’s intelligence, we could rise up rooted like trees. »
— Rainer Maria Rilke


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Client testimonials

“Thank you to Christopher for his deeply human approach, sense of sharing and integrity. I have participated in several of his nature coaching workshops and meditative walks in Fontainebleau. These workshops have allowed me to reconnect with myself during periods of questioning and fatigue when I needed to get back to basics. Between the workshops and walks I participated in, I took action on projects that are dear to me and that I didn't dare tackle before. I felt fitter and more enthusiastic. The tools that Christopher uses come from his own meticulous work, and I recommend that anyone who wants to move forward on an issue to attend his workshops. I also met some beautiful and enriching people. Thanks again to you, Christopher, for helping me achieve greater awareness!” - Solenn

“With my project, I knew what exactly needed to be done. My goal was sitting there, only couple of steps ahead-already written on a to-do list-and I just need to go through them one by one. However, I would lose motivation quite often and it got harder and harder to keep going. Last year in February, when I have stuck once more again, I decided to ask for some help, but this time not from friends and mentors-until then already tried and knew that it was not going to work-just from a real, objective person trained in making people achieve their goals.

A life coach is meant to be the rational part of you, he stays objective and calm all the time. A life coach believes in you and your project, most of the time even more than you. He asks the right questions and applies real, proven methods to create a tight bond between you and your goal. He lifts you up with motivation when you fall down.

Speeding my project up in a couple of sessions, I am so thankful to Christopher Le Coq, my life coach, who owned my project sometimes even more than I do and helped me to progress towards it.” - Tugba


“With my project, I knew what exactly needed to be done. My goal was sitting there, only couple of steps ahead-already written on a to-do list-and I just need to go through them one by one. However, I would lose motivation quite often and it got harder and harder to keep going. Last year in February, when I have stuck once more again, I decided to ask for some help, but this time not from friends and mentors-until then already tried and knew that it was not going to work-just from a real, objective person trained in making people achieve their goals.

A life coach is meant to be the rational part of you, he stays objective and calm all the time. A life coach believes in you and your project, most of the time even more than you. He asks the right questions and applies real, proven methods to create a tight bond between you and your goal. He lifts you up with motivation when you fall down.

Speeding my project up in a couple of sessions, I am so thankful to Christopher Le Coq, my life coach, who owned my project sometimes even more than I do and helped me to progress towards it.” - Tugba


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weekly Outings & retreats


Weekly outings near paris

These Shinrin-Yoku outings are for those seeking to take a break from stressful city living, regenerate their physical and mental health and be completely present with nature and everything it is connected to. It is a unique opportunity to create an genuine connection with others as well.

Together we will create a little magic and have fun too.


During the outing in the forest different approaches to connecting with nature are proposed. Many are conducted in silence, which enable a true immersive experience, via our nine senses, in nature’s serene soundscapes and beautiful landscapes. Each activity seeks to invite participants to connect with nature in various ways so as to create a deeper bond between both. Invitations include moments of contemplation, physical and emotional connection to different elements of nature, as well as visualization exercises.

Invitations, all grounded in sensory experiences, additionally provide a unique context to foster genuine social interactions amongst group members. Group interaction not only builds connections, but enhances our understanding of each experience and nature’s gifts to us.

Each outing concludes with an intimate tea ceremony to celebrate the events of the day and nature itself.

Please note we will walk around 10 kilometers for the outings in Fontainebleau, so please ensure that you are in the minimum physical shape required.

Calendar of events


« The tree that moves some to tears of joy is in the eyes of others only a green thing that stands in the way. Some see Nature all ridicule and deformity, and some scarce see Nature at all. But to the eyes of the man of imagination, Nature is imagination itself. »
— William Blake


Weekend Retreats & deep forest bathing

Forest bathing retreats will be held over a period of a weekend for those seeking to escape Paris and enjoy a connection with Nature in a even more relaxing and new setting. Deep forest bathing experiences, often held outside of France, are over three or more days, enable a truly powerful, and perhaps, transformative experience. Both experiences offer the opportunity to more deeply connect with Nature and thereby better protect and heal one’s physical and emotional health.


Extended forest bathing weekendS

Domaine du tailléè ardèche France

Ardèche, France - june 3-5th 2022

During a weekend long trip in Ardèche at the beautiful Domaine du Taillé you will experience a deep connection with Nature. During these two days you will take part in approaches that will enable you to experience Nature both intensely and also with the eyes of a young child, that is to say, to experience awe from moment to moment...

Through interacting with both plant life and the earth through your 5 senses, mindful walking, visualizing one's connection with the earth, or coming into contact with a notable tree thanks to your intuition or being carried away by a soundscape meditative experience, you will take a journey not only to the Ardèche region, but it will be an inner journey as well.

Reservations must be made with our partner Vawanda.



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« Je fais des bains de forêts avec Christopher chaque fois que j'en ai l'occasion, de préférence les sorties de 5 heures. Dès qu'on sort de la Gare à Bois le Rois, on est transporté loin de la vie urbaine. Il faut parcourir quelques kilomètres pour atteindre la partie "bain" de la journée. Pour moi cela rajoute à l'expérience : j'aime le fait qu'il y a une randonnée sympa pour se mettre en jambe, avant de s'abandonner pleinement à la nature. Après la première fois je m'étais dit "je pourrais bien faire ça toute seule", mais en réalité, qui prend le temps de s'échapper une journée entière de nous-même ? Et quand je fais des randos, jamais je ne prends le temps que Christopher nous aider à passer, à chaque étape différente du "bain", à se connecter pleinement, à s'ouvrir entièrement aux bienfaits des différents éléments de la forêt. Chaque expérience est différente, selon la saison et selon où on est à l'intérieur de nous-même ce jour-là. De façon contre-intuitive, le fait de faire ces sorties en groupe me force à être encore plus attentive aux messages de la nature, pour pouvoir ensuite exprimer ce que j'ai ressenti. Plus je participe, plus je vois la magie de la nature. » - Laura

Laura Brav

« La découverte de Shinrin Yoku avec Christopher a été un cadeau incroyable. Je me suis sentie en paix, ouverte, calme et nourrie pendant des jours après. Le bain de forêt, la simplicité de l'expérience, et pourtant les résultats ont été transformationnels. Christopher nous a guidés dans l'ouverture de nos sens à la forêt. L'expérience sur le plan sensoriel m'a amené à rester présent. Pour trouver la joie là où je suis maintenant. Grâce à ses invitations, il rouvre les portes pour jouer, comme nous le faisions quand nous étions jeunes et que nous découvrions le monde qui nous entoure, mais ce que nous ne faisons jamais maintenant. Jouer par la curiosité, l'observation et la stimulation. Il faut le vivre pour l'apprécier pleinement. Je recommande vivement une séance, ou plusieurs. » - Esther

« Quel soulagement ! Du début à la fin de l’expérience, le temps ralentit sans qu’il soit nécessaire de se dépêcher. Vous commencez à profiter de chaque instant et de chaque seconde et vous vous sentez en paix. La nature entoure mon âme de sérénité, et plus rien n’a d’importance. Ce qui reste n’est que pure beauté et immobilité, créant une connexion réelle avec quelque chose de plus grand que vous-même. À la fin de chaque sortie, je ne veux pas retourner en ville. Je n’ai qu’une envie : rester dans la forêt jusqu’à la fin des temps. » - Tugba


« Les bains de forêt sont très ressourçants. Ils font beaucoup de bien physiquement et mentalement. Le rythme est parfait : la marche en pleine conscience et la pause méditative permettent de se connecter avec soi et la nature. Les marches en peu plus rapides sont à chaque fois de beaux moments de partage. Le groupe est toujours très sympa et l’occasion de chouettes rencontres. Christopher est un excellent organisateur, soucieux de chacun. A tester absolument. Et à refaire dès que possible ! » - Caroline

« Rien de plus revigorant qu'une balade en forêt, surtout quand on est une citadine comme moi. De plus, on bénéficie de la meilleure attention qui soit, de la part de l’organisateur, quelle que soit la sortie et même si la météo, n'est pas de la partie, Christopher parvient à créer une ambiance détendue. Chacune de ces sorties m'ont permis de vraiment me détendre et d'oublier tous les problèmes pour profiter pleinement de l'instant présent. Merci encore à Christopher de m’avoir permis de me reconnecter avec la nature. » - Christine


« C'est toujours un bon moment. S'éloigner de la ville pour se rendre en forêt avec un petit groupe de personnes venues de tous les horizons. Il y a d'abord ce premier cercle formé qui crée un espace commun, chacun se présente, dit un mot, et puis on s'enfonce dans les bois sur les beaux chemins forestiers, pour enfin arriver au second cercle. Christopher fait toujours en sorte que ce soit un moment joyeux et de partage de l'objectif commun qu'il nous propose. C'est là que commence la marche méditative, garder ses distances, rester en silence, observer en soi-même comme autour de soi, jusqu'à trouver ce précieux équilibre qui me fait sentir comme si j'étais juste une petite partie de cette grande forêt. Être simplement là, avec chaque arbre, chaque feuille, chaque rocher couvert de mousses, attentif au chant des oiseaux comme à ma respiration. Toujours en contact visuel avec la personne à quelques mètres devant moi, simple maillon d'une chaîne qui s'étend sur le sentier. Seul et attentif à l'autre, un excellent exercice spirituel. Un peu comme des pèlerins qui suivent un autre chemin, ou un autre rythme sur le même chemin: ralentir, trouver le temps, respirer la forêt, renouer le lien avec les plantes et les animaux. Élargir son espace intérieur, juste ici et maintenant, un affût sans attente.

Que ressentent les quelques promeneurs croisés devant ces lents marcheurs silencieux que nous sommes pour quelques temps? Pour ma part c'est quelque chose de positif, de différent, qui propose une autre manière de faire, et qui peut durer en écho une fois rentrés dans la ville si bruyante et agitée. Ah oui, et il y a le troisième cercle, celui du retour à l'orée des bois, au sortir de cette expérience que Christopher a su nous transmettre tout en laissant chacun faire avec son histoire et sa pratique. Petit bilan, échanges, émotion aussi parfois. A chaque fois, content d'avoir partagé entre nous quelque chose de non matériel. Donc, pour résumer, “Long live the Walk, Christopher!” » - Stephan

« Christopher propose des balades comme je les apprécie vraiment. La marche en silence permet une plongée dans la nature avec ses cinq sens. C’est une partie de l’enfance retrouvée, une communion, un régal pour l’esprit et le corps, tout comme un bain…de forêt en effet ! J’y participe avec beaucoup d’intérêt et plaisir. Le plus : la dynamique d’un petit groupe pour partager avant et après la balade, et l’accueil de Christopher toujours chaleureux et bienveillant. A consommer sans modération. Merci, Christopher! » - Maria


« L'approche de Christopher à l'égard de Shinrin-Yoku est tout simplement stupéfiante, où il lie la nature et l'introspection spirituelle. C'est un explorateur passionné qui repère les endroits les plus calmes et reculés des forêts autour de Paris afin que son groupe puisse vivre des promenades silencieuses et spirituelles inoubliables, ainsi que des moments de méditation assise et de détente au milieu des paysages forestiers captivants et relaxants. Si vous êtes un parisien stressé, considérez ce genre de thérapie qui est beaucoup plus sain et relaxant que ce que vous trouverez en ville. » - Ignazio






"I participate in forest bathing outings with Christopher whenever I have the opportunity, preferably the 5-hour outings. As soon as you get away from the Bois le Rois train station, you are transported far away from city life. You have to travel a few kilometers to reach the "bath" part of the day. For me this adds to the experience: I like the fact that there is a nice hike to get in shape before being fully immersed in nature. After the first time I thought "I could do this on my own", but in reality, who takes the time to escape a whole day from ourselves? And when I hike, I never take the time to move from one stage of the "bath" to the next, thanks to Christopher’s guidance, to fully connectand open up to the benefits of the forest’s different elements. Each experience is different, depending on the season and where we are mentally that day. Counter-intuitively, doing these outings in a group forces me to be even more attentive to nature’s messages, so that I can then express what I felt. The more I participate, the more I see the magic of nature. " - Laura

Laura Brav

“Discovering Shinrin Yoku with Christopher was an amazing gift. I felt peaceful, open, calm and nourished for days afterwards. Forest bathing, the simplicity of the experience, yet the results were transformational. Christopher guided us through opening our senses to the forest. Experiencing it on a sensory level which brought me to stay present. To find the joy in where I am Now. Through his invitations he reopens the gateways to play, like we did when we were young and discovering the world around us but which we never do now. Play through curiosity and observing and stimulation. It must be experienced to be fully appreciated. I would highly recommend a session, or many.” - Esther

“What a relief! From the beginning of the experience till the end, time slows down with no need to hurry. You begin to enjoy every moment, every second and feel at peace. Nature surrounds my soul with serenity, and everything loses the feeling of importance. What remains is only pure beauty and stillness, creating a real connection with something bigger than yourself. At the end of every outing, I do no want to return to the city, but happily and peacefully remain in the forest until the end of time.” - Tugba


“Forest bathing is very refreshing. It does a lot of good physically and mentally. The rhythm is perfect: mindful walking and the meditation break allow you to connect with yourself and nature. The normal walks, which are a little faster, are beautiful moments of sharing every time. The group is always very nice and it’s an opportunity to meet new people. Christopher is an excellent organizer, concerned about everyone. It is a must. And to be done again as soon as possible!” - Caroline

“Nothing more refreshing than a walk in the forest, especially when you're a city girl like me. In addition, we get the best possible attention from the organizer, no matter the type of outing, and even if the weather is not perfect, Christopher creates a relaxed atmosphere. Every outing allowed me to really relax and forget all the problems and fully enjoy the present moment. Thanks again to Christopher for allowing me to reconnect with nature.” - Christine


“It's always a good time. Getting away from the city to be in the forest with a small group of people from all walks of life. First there is this first circle formed that creates a common space where everyone introduces themselves, says a word, and then we go into the woods reaching the beautiful forest paths, to finally reach the second circle. Christopher always makes sure that this is a joyful moment and a time to share the common goal he proposes to us. This is where the meditative walk begins, keeping your distance, remaining silent, observing your interior space and your surroundings. It is at this point I find that precious balance that makes me feel as if I were just a small part of this great forest. Simply being there, with every tree, every leaf, every rock covered with mosses, attentive to the song of the birds as well as to my breathing. Always in visual contact with the person a few meters in front of me, a simple link in a chain that extends along the trail. Alone and attentive to the other, an excellent spiritual exercise. A little like pilgrims who follow another path, or another rhythm on the same path: slow down, find time, breathe in the forest, reconnect with plants and animals. Expand your interior space, right here and now, a lookout without waiting.

How do the few people who walk past us feel in front of these slow, silent walkers that we are for a while? To me, it is something positive, something different, that offers another way of doing things, and that can continue on once we get back to the noisy and agitated city. Oh yes, and there is the third circle, when we return to the outskirts of the woods, at the end of this experience that Christopher knew how to share with us that allows everyone share their experience and practice. Small assessment, exchanges and also sometimes emotion. Each time, we are happy to have shared something non-material between us. So, to sum up, "Long live the Walk, Christopher!"“ - Stephan

“Christopher offers walks just how I really enjoy them. Walking in silence allows you to immerse yourself in nature with all five senses. It is like being a child again, a communion, a delight for the mind and body, just like a bath... in the forest, absolutely! I join as soon as I can with enthusiasm and pleasure. The best part: the energy created by being in a small group, discussing before and after the walk, and Christopher is always welcoming and looking out for everyone. To be done as often as possible. Thank you, Christopher!” - Maria


“Christopher's approach to Shinrin-Yoku is just amazing, whereby he links nature with spiritual introspection. He is a passionate explorer that spots the calmer and more remote spots of forests around Paris so that his group may experience unforgettable silent and spiritual walks, as well as sitting meditation and moments of relaxation surrounded by the captivating and relaxing forest landscapes. If you are a stressed out Parisian, consider this kind of therapy that is much healthier and relaxing than what you will find in town.” - Ignazio


les sorties & stages


Sorties hebdomadaires près de Paris

Ces sorties de Shinrin-Yoku s'adressent à ceux qui cherchent à échapper à la vie stressante de la ville, à se ressourcer et à être au contact de la nature. C’est également l’occasion unique de créer des liens authentiques avec d’autres personnes.

Non seulement nous nous amuserons ensemble, mais nous créerons un peu de magie aussi.


Au cours de cette expérience en forêt, différentes approches sont proposées pour entrer en contact avec la nature. Nombre d'entre elles se déroulent en silence, permettant, à l’aide de nos neuf sens, une véritable immersion dans les paysages sonores et visuels de la nature.

Par divers biais, chaque activité ancrée dans le sensoriel cherche à inviter le participant à entrer en contact avec la nature et approfondir ainsi la relation qu’il entretient avec elle. De plus, ces invitations sont des occasions uniques pour interagir avec les autres membres du groupe, créer des liens authentiques, mais aussi améliorer notre compréhension de chaque expérience et des dons que la nature nous apporte.

Les invitations alternent des moments de contemplation, de création de liens physiques et émotionnels avec différents éléments de la nature, ainsi que des exercices de visualisation.

Chaque sortie se termine par une cérémonie de thé pour célébrer les événements de la journée et la nature elle-même.

Veuillez noter que nous marcherons environ 10 kilomètres pour les sorties à la forêt de Fontainebleau. Soyez sûr.e.s que vous avez la forme physique minimale requise.



« L’arbre qui fait verser aux uns des larmes de joie n’est aux yeux des autres qu’une chose verte qui se dresse en travers du chemin. Certains ne voient dans la nature que ridicule et difformité ; d’autres, c’est à peine s’ils voient la nature. Mais aux yeux de l’homme d’imagination, la nature est l’imagination même. »
— William Blake


séjours d’UN weekend et bains de forêt en profondeur

Les retraites de bain de forêt seront organisées sur un week-end pour ceux qui cherchent à s'échapper de Paris pour vivre une véritable expérience de détox digitale et immersion totale dans la pleine Nature.

Les bains de forêt en profondeur, souvent organisés à l’étranger, durent trois jours ou plus, permettant de vivre une expérience vraiment puissante, et peut-être même, transformatrice. Ces deux expériences offrent la possibilité de se connecter plus profondément avec la Nature et de mieux protéger et guérir sa santé physique et émotionnelle.


WeekendS de bain de forêt en profondeur


Ardèche, France - 3-5 juin 2022

Lors de ce week-end en Ardèche au beau domaine écologique du Taillé vous vivrez une expérience de connexion profonde avec la nature grâce à un bain de forêt à la japonaise. Au cours de ces deux jours vous participerez à des approches qui vous permettront de vivre la nature à la fois de manière intense et aussi avec les yeux d’un enfant, c’est-à-dire de vivre l’émerveillement instant après instant...

A travers l’interaction avec le végétal et la terre avec vos 5 sens, la marche consciente, la visualisation en connexion avec la terre, ou encore entrer en contact avec un arbre remarquable par son intuition ou se laisser porter par une méditation sur les paysages sonores, vous vivrez non seulement un périple en Ardèche, mais aussi un voyage intérieur.

Et pendant les pauses, profitez de l'écolodge et des environs, de repas sains et végétariens, ou du farniente au milieu de la nature. Pour une immersion profonde et un parcours spirituel de reconnexion.

Réservez avec notre partenaire VaWanda.