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Special Shinrin-Yoku: rediscovering your self-confidence

  • Les bains de forêt / Shinrin-Yoku : la nature est médecine Route du Lancer Fontainebleau, IDF, 77300 France (carte)

Nature has the best of intentions for us, and when we are immersed within her, we sense it. Studies show that being in Nature provides us with a great sense of self-esteem and increased confidence. During this 5-hour outing, Shinrin-Yoku and coaching techniques will be combined to help you rediscover your positive qualities that make you shine.

Événement antérieur: 6 février
Morning Shinrin-Yoku in Bois de Boulogne
Événement ultérieur: 21 février
Winter Forest Bathing in Fontainebleau